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Biodiversity conservation planning

Safeguarding our ecosystems

Our ecologists develop customised strategies for biodiversity conservation, habitat restoration and revegetation projects on small and large scales. We ensure compliance with local, state and national regulations and legislation.

Our services include:

Vegetation Management Plans (VMP)

  • Development of vegetation management plans to guide sustainable land use and ensure the protection of critical ecosystems
  • Detailed mapping of vegetation and habitat types using advanced GIS technologies
  • Analysis and interpretation of mapping data to inform conservation and development strategies

Bush regeneration and restoration

Our team of experts is committed to preserving biodiversity, enhancing ecosystem health, and creating sustainable environments.

  • Bush regeneration: Our skilled team employs sustainable techniques to control weeds, reintroduce native vegetation, and promote natural regeneration
  • Ecological restoration: We specialise in the restoration of ecosystems, working to recreate the delicate balance of flora and fauna. Our holistic approach ensures the long-term health and resilience of the natural environment
  • Erosion control: We can safeguard the integrity of your landscape with our erosion control measures. We employ innovative techniques to prevent soil erosion, stabilising slopes and protecting waterways for a sustainable and resilient environment

Pest animal management and biosecurity plans

We provide advice on measures to put in place to protect biosecurity and mitigate the risks of pests and diseases on your property.

Identification and monitoring

  • Identify and monitor pest animal species on your property or project area with surveys, traps and camera monitoring

Risk assessment

  • Conduct risk assessments to determine the potential impact of pest animals on ecosystems, agriculture, and human health

Nest box installation

Many Australian wildlife species depend on tree hollows for nesting, but the natural formation of these hollows often takes several decades. In cases where habitat is lost, the use of artificial nest boxes serves as a temporary measure until habitat restoration is complete. The installation and monitoring of nest boxes play a crucial role in enhancing ecosystems.

Our nest box services include:

  • Sourcing
  • Installation
  • Location mapping
  • Seasonal monitoring programs
  • Designing and constructing species-specific and location-tailored nest boxes using natural and recycled timber

Contact us now for a free quote on your project

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